6 Stress Management Tips That Are Proven To Be Helpful
I love to be loved, am fluent in silence and…
Worry never ends, is a parable of life. One worries about getting enrolled in university, then getting good grades, graduating, finding a good job… and the list is simply endless. Sometimes even the everyday hassles can push one beyond the ability to handle the situation. If we worry a lot it can turn into stress and a lot of stress can make one fall into a state of anxiety and depression. The key is to learn and cope with the high demands of the dynamic life we are facing every day and learn stress management tips that can indeed help us.
Now, although a small amount of stress can be motivating to perform well, if stress interferes in your daily activities like impacting social life and lowering your daily performance, then your stress is influencing the quality of your life for the worse. According to a study by the International organization of UN – stress is one of the most serious health issues in the 20th century and it has become a worldwide epidemic.
Therefore, since the pace and challenges of modern life are making stress management necessary for almost everybody, is better if we try and look for ways to keep stress at bay before it becomes debilitating for our wellness.
According to Mental Health Foundation one has to take three steps if one feels stressed: the first is to detect what is causing you problems, when is causing you problems and finally try and review your lifestyle.
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
Here are some effective tips to help you manage your stress:
1. Manage Your Time – You have to make a clear line between your responsibilities and responsibilities of others. It’s very important to take some time for yourself and relax. Also, you have to admit to yourself that you can’t do everything at once, so you should better start and prioritize things. The overburdened to-do list can become a smaller and more reachable list, where you make sure to leave some relaxing and reflecting time for yourself as well.
2. Exercise – Remeber that you decide about the activities that help you relax. Whether is taking a brisk walk out or you would like to indulge in any kind of physical activity to your routine, for many people even light exercises remain a wonderful option that helps as a stress reliever. Although exercise won’t make all of your stress disappear, it will reduce the amount of it and help you leave aside negative thoughts and can also improve the quality of your sleep.
3. Eat Healthy Food – You have to make sure you are eating food that contains vitamins, mineral supplements and nutrients that your brain needs. And also drink enough water during the day. There is enough evidence that shows how malnutrition affects your mood. In this tip, the reduction of alcohol and smoking is included as well. If you can’t totally reduce them at least limit the amount of their intake. Although it might look that smoking can help you cope with stress, often it misleads one to a worse situation.
4. Get More Sleep – Making some small changes in your lifestyle can help you get better sleep. If you are a person that can’t sleep right away as soon as you put your head on the pillow then try to engage in reading or some light exercises before you go to sleep. But definitely avoid technology, for it can just prolong the process. Be aware of your worries and don’t let your mind wander away when you are in bed. Sleeping struggles are common if you’re feeling stressed, but learn to cope with it, even if it takes amending the environment.
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5. Social Support – As Quartz writes on their report people who enjoy time in their relationships of friends and family are less likely to feel stressful. According to the aforementioned study, the daily presence of the close people in our life actually regulates the system that manages the body’s hormones, and this leads to less stress. Also being stressful means that your judgment might be clouded to some degree, so having people around to discuss your feelings and problems might be a good buffering for your situation.
6. Meditate – As American Psychological Association suggests meditation can help our mind and body to relax. It helps us to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings and it increases our ability to handle difficult situations and relieve stress. Research shows that meditation also increases the concentration and reduces negative feelings or low mood. If you try and practice meditating regularly, even briefly, you can notice the positive effects it has on a person, in this case, you. Meditation also helps one develop empathy, forgive more and see more perspectives. In another word, it helps us feel mindful for our actions and also make wiser choices in life.
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash
Finally, remember to take some minutes every day and appreciate yourself. You are a good friend to other people – be a good friend to yourself too!
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