Potato Slices Can Apparently Reduce Your Baby’s Fever

Becoming a parent for the first time is a very exciting, but at the same time quite scary, prospect. So, naturally, you need to arm yourself with knowledge! Luckily, there are an incredible number of books, magazines, and websites and blogs that can teach you some valuable tips and tricks when it comes to taking care of your little one. And one of those prized sources of information is now apparently Facebook.
Obviously, when you find some useful advice you will share it with all of your online friends. And then it will reach a viral status and find itself being the center of an informative article, not unlike this one. So what was this great advice, brought to us via Shareby?
Potatoes in your baby’s socks will help them get better when they’re sick.
Source: Facebook
Using potatoes for healing is hardly something never before heard. In fact, it has been featured in quite a few articles in years past that have talked about how putting slices of raw potato in your child’s socks overnight can get their fever down. For example, in 2014, in an article titled The Mommy Doctor: Natural Remedies for Chest Colds and Fevers and featured on the Red Stick Moms Blog, Lisa wrote:
“It sounds silly and I’m not really sure how it works but it does! I slice a potato a little smaller than the bottom of my child’s foot and about 1/8 inch thick. I put it in her sock and her temperature starts coming down. I leave them in there while she sleeps, and she rests well! Funny but worth a try!”
This article, apart from the potato trick, contained other natural remedies for treating sick babies, including onion and peppermint. The advice has traveled all over the internet and there are a lot of mommies who have tried it for themselves.
Source: Facebook
One of those mothers was Debbie Vigan from San Diego, California. She posted the story on her Facebook account explaining how she’d found the article and tried the potato trick.
“So I saw an article about putting potatoes in the babies sock when they’re sick,” she wrote. “So Deairres had a little cold and i put potatoes in his socks last night around 8-9pm. He didn’t cough through the night..nose isn’t running…isn’t as congested and he slept for 12 hrs. the potatoes out of his sock were black now before people mention “oxidation” i left the other parts of the potato on the counter to see the difference and…”
Source: Facebook
Debbie sliced two potatoes: she left a few slices by the sink and put a couple in her little one’s socks. She was curious to see if the pairs of potato slices would look different in the morning. And they did. The ones in the baby’s socks had turned black!
But the color of the potatoes wasn’t the only thing that changed overnight. Her son’s health had also improved significantly!
The potato hack has been featured on quite a few mommy forums, including Baby Center and Earth Clinic.
Source: Facebook
Most of the people commenting were impressed with the results, claiming that they will try this tip next time their kid gets a fever. There were also those who said that this was actually an old wives’ tale and that they’d heard about it from their mothers and grandmothers.
* This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances.