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Home Remedies For Cough: What You Can Do To Alleviate It

Home Remedies For Cough: What You Can Do To Alleviate It

Having almost unlimited access to information on the internet is sort of a blessing. Right? Well, depends on your point of view and the information you want to acquire. But often times, we can freak out when we google stuff. Especially when we google health-related symptoms. I could have a light headache and google will somehow manage to tell me I could have a tumor. What I mean to say is that we really mustn’t be out there googling every single symptom we have because often times we freak out when we read about it. The thing is, since you’re reading this, you already googled your symptoms a little. But guess what? You’re in luck because you came to the right place.

So, cough, eh? See, actually, it might come as surprising to you to hear this but, in most cases, coughs are positive. No matter how annoying, coughs are there to protect us. Its purpose is to clear out the airways and to clear out particles that do not belong in the lungs. So, whenever we cough, our lungs are telling us that there is something, be it in the air or in the food, that they do not like. It’s their way of reacting towards unwelcome ‘guests’. But, before acting on it and trying to relieve a cough, we should first find the cause of it. So, what causes coughs?

Well, a brief explanation would be that coughs could be triggered by allergies, strong irritants such as cigarettes and different chemicals, then we have asthma, acid reflux and in some cases, lung inflammation. Usually, they pass quickly and those are the coughs that you needn’t worry about. Actually, the good news is that there is an abundance of home remedies for cough, so you just stick with me until the end. However, if your coughing is persistent and you notice that it is not going away even weeks after, please make sure to set an appointment and pay a visit to your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Honey Tea

Surprised? Well, I wasn’t. I mean, we know how plentiful the benefits of honey are. It has many applications and helping us fight a cough is one of them. Since it is a home remedy for cough and it is all natural, no harm is done if we opt for this treatment. However, bear in mind that you should never feed honey to a child younger than 1-year-old since it may be fatal. See, honey may contain these botulism spores which release some sort of toxin that is poisonous to infants. Anyhow, when you struggle with cough, put two teaspoons of honey in your herbal tea and create an effective remedy in a span of a few seconds.

home remedies for cough



Staying hydrated is important 24/7. I mean, don’t drink water only when you’re thirsty. That means you’re already dehydrated. However, it is especially of high importance to stay hydrated in times when we have a cough. Something else that might add up to the benefits is if you drink lots of warm beverages. Be it broth or any kind of decaffeinated tea, the symptoms will subside or even go away altogether.

home remedies for cough



See, probiotics won’t actually relieve the cough, but the good bacteria will definitely clean the gut as well as boost our immune system in incredible ways. With a boosted immune system, we can do a better job at fighting off infections, allergens, and/or other strong irritants that are causing the cough in the first place. You can get probiotics from a range of foods or even take probiotic supplements.

home remedies for cough


Salt Water Gargle

Well, often times when we cough, there is some phlegm that is messing with our lung’s natural airflow. When you gargle with salted water, you will visibly reduce the mucus and the phlegm that is at the back of your throat which trigger coughing. What you need to do is very simple: just mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and then gargle with it. Something to keep in mind is that you must avoid this mixture to young children as they may not gargle properly and may even hurt themselves.

home remedies for cough



Rich in beneficial properties, ginger might as well be our best friend. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help ease a dry and/or an asthmatic cough. Cut 20 to 40 grams of ginger in slices and then brew them in a cup of hot water. Yes, brewed ginger tea. If you don’t like the taste of it like this, then go ahead and add a tad of lemon and/or honey. Actually, by doing this, you will only enhance the effects of the ginger.

home remedies for cough


Downright a pain in the chest, coughs can take quite a toll on you. Make sure you’re keeping up with how it is advancing/ diminishing and do not hesitate to seek medical assistance in case your cough persists for too long or if it is causing other symptoms such as chest pain.


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