Height Difference Is Key For A Happy Relationship, Science Says

Everyone’s got a list of desired traits they looking for in a potential partner. No, not a physical list, just a general idea in their minds about what they want their future partner to look and be like. On the opposite of the end of the spectrum, though, there’s also the list of things you don’t want to find in the person you’re spending the rest of your life with. But let’s talk about the good list now.
Most people claim a sense of humor is right there on the top. But the factor we’re interested right now is height. Women usually go for men taller than them. And now science has decided to investigate this matter and came to a conclusion. The results showed that couples with a greater difference in height are happier and their relationships are longer and more successful.
The study was conducted by the Konkun University in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and it took into consideration 7,850 subjects. It concluded that the correlation between height and happiness grows ever smaller with time and after 18 years of marriage height no longer makes any difference. This study marks the first time that the happiness of the wife has been connected to the husband’s height.
Why do women like taller men?
According to scientists, women who choose taller men are probably more fertile. Kitae Sohn, who worked as a researcher on this project, believes that going for taller men has to do with our evolutionary process. Apparently, women are attracted to taller men without knowing why – it’s just something that comes naturally. The doctor made a comparison with craving salty or fatty foods. In the past, when people’s diets didn’t provide them with sufficient nutrients, it was understandable to crave salt. However, today we have unlimited access to both food categories and yet we still have cravings. There isn’t a scientific explanation for it, and the same goes for desiring taller men.
Still, one possible reason for this is that taller men are more likely to pass on their genes onto the next generations. This leads to a stronger desire to procreate, which means higher appetites between the sheets. But, once again, while this held true in the past, today it’s rendered moot thanks to the evolution of science and medicine. Nowadays, all men have roughly the same chances in evolutionary terms.
Why does height stop to matter after 18 years?
The fact that the importance of the husband’s height declines over time makes sense, according to Dr. Sohn. One of the possible explanations he offers for this phenomenon is that the woman’s psyche changes over the years and she becomes accustomed to the height difference and to the general attractiveness of her partner. But this transition doesn’t happen over night: it takes 18 years!
Credit: islafisher (Instagram)
But what about short men?
It’s very important not to mistake correlation for causation. This means that taller men don’t make their wives happier – their wives just happen to be happier. The success or failure of a relationship cannot be ascribed to only one factor. There are a lot of happy couples where the partners are of similar height and there are a lot of happy couples where it’s the woman who is taller than the man. When it comes to romance, science is not always right.
What makes for a happy relationship?
There a lot of things that are crucial to ensure a happy marriage. One of them is to never stop reminding each other how much you love one another. Infidelity is often caused by emotional dissatisfaction. Another vital factor is honesty. Couples who are open with each other are usually happier. Telling the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, is always preferable to lying.
“A relationship is like a shark – it has to constantly move forward or it dies,” Woody Allen says in Annie Hall. Never let your relationship become stagnant. After getting married, and especially after having children, people tend to stop going on dates and make time for being alone with each other. Don’t let that happen to your relationship. Another important thing you mustn’t forget is to keep taking care of yourself – both of your physical appearance and emotional well-being.
But don’t spend every last second with each other either! Don’t disregard your non-romantic relationships. Go on a trip with some friends – your partner will be there when you get back. Perhaps the saying “absence makes the heart go fonder” isn’t actually true, but a tiny bit of distance can improve your relationship.
Like we said, it’s not all about the height. If you’re as tall as your partner, it doesn’t mean your relationship won’t be a happy one. A successful relationship is built on much more important things than centimeters.