Genius Fruit And Vegetable Cutting Ideas

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This scroll is all about genius fruit and vegetable cutting and peeling. There are some great ideas you’ll get from these hacks. Everything in here saves time and produces less waste. Some of them can even be done with one hand (so you don’t have to give up your phone).
If you have that special dinner at your house coming, or that family gathering, then, make sure your dining table stands out with amazing fruit and veggie artistry, which comes in the shape of cutting and peeling skills. With these ideas, best results are G-U-A-R-A-N-T-E-E-D; they come out perfect every time!
Without waiting any longer, let’s see how you can do fruit and vegetable cutting leaving no mess behind!
1. Onion peeling
How do you actually peel an onion without creating a scene? All you need for this hack is a pot and a lid. You’ll have to add the onions inside, close the pot, and get your arms ready for some shaking!
2. Banana peeling
Want to peel a banana without ending up with sticky hands? Then, press down the tip to create some hooks where you need to pull the peel all the way down.
3. Passion fruit slicing
Now, let’s talk some about passion fruit slicing and plate decorating. Get some triangle shapes by first cutting the fruit into rounded pieces, then put them in halves, and finally get triangle shapes by cutting the halves in the middle.
4. Kiwifruit slicing
We’re adding some kiwifruit to out passion fruit plate. All you need for this one is rounded kiwi slices. Arrange those over the passion fruit in a circular shape and voila!
5. Baby tomato
There’s no big deal into cutting baby tomatoes. You will only need to cut one in half and add to the center above kiwifruit!
6. Cucumber slicing
Using cucumber, let’s get some heart shapes for the plate decorating. Get 1/4 cucumber and start cutting but not all the way through, then bend the thin layers into one another(in both sides) to get the heart shapes! Your guests will be so impressed!
There are more interesting and quick ideas for fruit and vegetable cutting and peeling in the video above!