Essential Oil Benefits And How To Work With Them

For millennia, essential oils, also known as EOs, have been used as a remedy for health problems as well as spiritual rituals in many cultures. Just a few drops here and there and you can cure cold sores, treat skin conditions, soothe muscle inflammation and pretty much everything else.
Essential oil benefits are, well, countless. However, you should know how to properly use essential oils as they can irritate the skin when applied directly and undiluted, due to their high concentration. Moreover, it’s important to know the properties of every one of them, according to Escents, as well as learn about the health benefits they offer. Which is pretty much what we’re about to tell you in this article.
However first, what are essential oils?

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts obtained from flowers, fruits, herbs, and many other plants through a few different extraction methods such as:
- hydrodistillation
- steam distillation
- solvent extraction
- extraction under pressure, etc.
Normally, they get the oil from the most aromatic part of the plant, but it also depends on the kind of oil they want to get. Essential oils have a pretty strong aroma and sometimes are even called volatile aromatic oils due to their high concentration of aromatic compounds, claims Dr. Axe. You may also know them as aromatherapy oils as they’re mostly used in aromatherapy.
According to mbg, each essential oil has a particular composition on the variety of its constituents which vary from plant to plant. The oils must be used carefully for more effective results, but also because when misused, they can even be harmful.
Now let’s explore more on essential oil benefits and their uses.

Essential Oil Benefits
According to AromaWeb, the many essential oil benefits are achieved through inhalation or application of the diluted essential oil to the skin. These oils are used to treat skin conditions, soothe muscle inflammation, as well as contribute to a person’s general well-being as they have the power to make you feel good. Apart from that, you can find essential oils in many personal care products and home cleaning products.
The essential oils below work as natural remedies for a number of common minor ailments.
Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is known for its sedative, anti-anxiety, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, anti-carcinogenic, and immune boosting properties, making it one of the most useful and effective oils out there. According to Organixx, lavender has a soothing effect and will help you relax if you put a drop or two into a warm bath. You can also rub it alongside your neck or breathe it in deeply to help you sleep or relieve you from stress. Of course, always diluted.

Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the oils that can be used topically. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, and it even shows anti-cancer activity. According to The Chalkboard, tea tree oil kills oral bacteria for up to three weeks and it works like benzoyl peroxide in acne treatment. It’s also pretty effective in treating other skin problems like blemishes and fungus. All you need to do is apply it with a cotton swab over the blemishes or whatever you want to treat. Yup, that easy.
Peppermint Oil
With its stimulant, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties, peppermint oil has proven to be quite effective in treating common, minor ailments. It’s an excellent remedy for tension headaches as it can reduce pain within fifteen minutes, according to a study, says The Chalkboard. Peppermint oil relaxes muscles (by rubbing it into sore muscles, diluted) as well as soothes nausea, improves concentration, and relieves indigestion or heartburn (by putting a drop of it into a glass of water and drink). What’s more, peppermint oil is an analgesic which will numb pain on the skin.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is a pesticide known for eliminating fungus, bacteria, insects, and mites. According to Organixx, in many parts of the world, people have planted eucalyptus trees to prevent the spread of mosquito-borne malaria. Eucalyptus oil also helps relieve coughing, fight skin inflammation, ease joint pain and soothe cold sores. Moreover, it can help with respiratory conditions like asthma and sinusitis if you inhale steam with eucalyptus oil added to it.

Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil, which according to Healthline is not actually an oil as it doesn’t contain fat, is known for being a stimulant. For those who want longer hair, stick to rosemary oil as it stimulates hair follicles which promote hair growth. When inhaled, its aroma has shown to increase heart rate as well as blood pressure and respiratory rate, says The Chalkboard. Rosemary oil aroma also relaxes your nerves, promotes clear thinking and helps you focus. You can find the oil in many skincare products, especially natural products as it extends their shelf life.
Lemon Oil
Due to its astringent, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties, lemon essential oil is an excellent ingredient for DIY home cleaners. Secondly, it has a balancing effect on the oil glands of the scalp. All you have to do is gently massage the scalp with a drop or two of lemon oil before bed at night. You can also use lemon essential oil when cooking. Whether it’s cake batter, muffin batter, salad dressing or any other food that requires lemon zest, add a few drops of lemon oil on it for a better taste.
Tips & Tricks On How To Work With Essential Oils
You can enjoy essential oil benefits as long as you follow the safety guidelines, which according to AromaWeb, are:
- Never use undiluted essential oils for the skin or add them to the bath
- Be careful when using essential oils for children
- Not all essential oils can be used for aromatherapy
- Never use more than it’s needed
- Some of the oils can cause allergies reactions, irritation, or sensitization on some people
- Essential oils are flammable
Remember that while essential oils are quite beneficial, sometimes their effectiveness is overemphasized. You can use them for minor health issues, however, if you’re taking medications or have a serious health condition, it’s better to check in with your doctor before using them.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.
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