8 Yoga Poses To Improve Your Sex Life Easily

The benefits of yoga have been here to help people for centuries. Many people have embraced yoga as their style of living. Yoga is not just about the poses and asanas, it’s about leading a healthy diet, or having a positive attitude toward our life events. A 2016 scientific study showed that regular yoga practice improves some aspects of sexual function in women, too. These included desire, arousal, orgasm and general satisfaction. If you are up for it, here are 8 yoga poses that can seriously improve your sex life easily, courtesy of Betterme.
How exactly does yoga affect your intimate life?
Yoga will develop flexibility and will keep your body in good physical shape. This will also improve your self-esteem. Moreover, it develops awareness and teaches to appreciate the present moment. The poses will help you deal with daily stress, insomnia, depression, fatigue, they fill you with energy, increases the pleasure of life and relationships. Surprisingly, yoga acquaints you with the most difficult parts of your anatomy, down to the intimate internal muscles (in yoga they are called bandhas, and we know them as Kegel muscles).
Most importantly, yoga teaches you to love yourself and feel comfortable in your body. All of this will result in you being more relaxed and confident in sexual relationships.
Here is how you can help your sex life with simple yoga poses:
1. Plank
2. Bridge
Credit: BetterMe
3. Cobra pose
Credit: BetterMe
4.Cat pose
Credit: BetterMe
5. Sarvangasana
Credit: BetterMe
6. Bow pose
Credit: BetterMe
7. Camel pose
Credit: BetterMe
8. Boat pose
Did you find these easy or difficult? Do you think you will be able to start your yoga journey to improve your overall health? Start with great motivation and you will be on a good path. Follow simple exercises in the beginning and never give up. Good luck!
Here are more yoga poses to improve your sleep.