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12 Donut Puns That Will Make Your Day Adoughrable

12 Donut Puns That Will Make Your Day Adoughrable

Do you know what day it is today? You Do-nut? Come on! I just gave you a hint over there. Yuppp, exactly your thoughts. Happy National Doughnut day to all of the doughnut lovers!

After all, donuts are not just great to eat; they are also a great way to make people laugh. The words in the donut vocabulary are plenty. For the sake of humor, they let you play around with them and create a good deal of funny jokes that will give people a giggle (or more.)

Unlike most of the holidays, the doughnut one takes place twice a year. November 5 and the first Friday of June, which is today. What other way would there be to celebrate it than with a dozen do-nut jokes…

Tip to the jokesters: Since sticking to one style of jokes can be boring, add some do-nut jokes to the list and listen to the audience laugh away. Now, let us go thru 12 of the best jokes we have collected for you.


1. Tell this to people when they remind you, you were supposed to be on a diet.

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2. I mean, not in a million years.

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3. *Rolls in the aisles*

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4. Once you go donut, you never go abs.

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5. Proud Momma.


6. If Donuts could talk.


7. Hole food, WHOLE life.

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8. Consider this a fair warning!

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9. Or, why did the donut go to the doctor? Because it was feeling crummy!

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10. Why did the blonde return a donut? Because there was a hole in it.

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11. Do-nut worry, donut!


12. A conversation between a leaf and a donut.


I could use some of that right now:


Donut Jokes:

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Now that you had some giggles, go have a donut!

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